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Orthopaedic Residents Skills Improvement due to Arthroscopic Cadaveric Knee Practices

Orthopaedic Residents Skills Improvement due to Arthroscopic Cadaveric Knee Practices

Sergi Gil Gonzalez, MD, SPAIN Juan Ignacio Erquicia, MD, PhD, SPAIN Ricardo Andrés Barja, MD, SPAIN Laura Valls, MD, SPAIN Hector Hormigó, MD, SPAIN Antonio Luis García Cebrián, MD, SPAIN Joan Leal-Blanquet, MD, PhD, SPAIN Gonzalo Hernandez, MD, SPAIN Xavier Pelfort, PhD, SPAIN

Hospital Universitari Igualada, Igualada, Barcelona, SPAIN

2021 Congress   ePoster Presentation     Not yet rated


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Sports Medicine

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Summary: The importance of orthopaedic courses with cadaveric practices for knee arthroscopy training for orthopaedic residents. They allow to improve surgical technical skills, knowledge of structures and optimization of time performance.


There currently is a considerable variability in the content of training programs and courses for orthopaedic surgeons in training. Besides this, there is still no consensus regarding which is the most effective methodology for improving learning of the technique or for its qualitative evaluation.


A study was carried out to assess the influence of carrying out a cadaveric practical course on the acquisition of arthroscopic technical skills in fifth-year residents.

Material And Methods

A knee arthroscopy cadaveric course was performed in which 48 students participated. Different technical aspects during a knee arthroscopy, as well as the residents skill and the execution time were evaluated before and after the course using a specific questionnaire.


There was a significant statistic improvement between the initial and final evaluation, increasing from 11,7 till 17,1 (maximum 20) points. Also, a significant improvement in all the parameters analysed was observed; the identification of anatomic structures (p = 0.001), the palpation of specific structures (p = 0.032), and the time necessary for the arthroscopic knee check (p = 0.015).


A knee arthroscopy cadaveric course improves significantly the technical skills of surgeons in training