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Biological Subchondral Bone Treatment with Osteo Core Plasty: Preliminary Results

Biological Subchondral Bone Treatment with Osteo Core Plasty: Preliminary Results

Ignacio Dallo, MD, SPAIN Macarena Morales, MD, ITALY Gabriel Azzini, MD, ITALY Alberto Gobbi, MD, FRACS, ITALY

O.A.S.I. Bioresearch Foundation Gobbi NPO, Milan, Milano, ITALY

2021 Congress   ePoster Presentation     Not yet rated


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Summary: This study aimed to analyse the biological subchondral bone treatment with osteo core plasty in patients with symptomatic bone marrow lesions (BMLs) of the knee. We hypothesize that Osteo-Core-Plasty technique is a safe and effective minimally invasive technique to treat BMLs at 12 months.


This study aimed to analyse the Biological Subchondral Bone Treatment with Osteo core Plasty in patients with symptomatic bone marrow lesions (BMLs) of the knee. We hypothesize that Osteo-Core-Plasty technique is a safe and effective minimally invasive technique to treat BMLs at 12 months using Tegner, MARX, IKDC, KOOS, VAS scores, and MRI.

Study design: Case series; Level of evidence, 4.

Materials And Methods

15 patients with symptomatic BMLs of the knee instability, treated with osteo core plasty technique followed prospectively for 12 months. Comparative analysis of preinjury, preoperative, and postoperative scores using patient-reported assessment instruments was performed to examine clinical outcomes. Correlation of outcome scores with patient age, location of the lesion, and body mass index (BMI) will be performed using Spearman rank analysis.


Significant improvement in all clinical scores at 6 and 12 months comparing with the preoperative state.


Biological Subchondral Bone Treatment with Osteo Core Plastyis a viable option in patients with symptomatic bone marrow lesions (BMLs) of the knee by reducing pain over the affected area, returning to activity and improved MRI imaging showing increased hypointesity over the subchondral bone marrow lesion.

Keywords: Subchondral bone Augmentation, Bone Marrow Lesions, Knee, Osteoarthritis, BMAC, Osteo Core Plasty.