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  ICL #16 General Session – Gran Cancun
Managing Difficult Cases: Innovations
and Evidence in Hip Arthroscopy
Chair: Marc R. Safran, MD, Prof. UNITED STATES
Nicolas Bonin, MD FRANCE
Leandro Ejnisman, MD, PhD BRAZIL
Soshi Uchida, MD, PhD JAPAN
Ivan Wong, MD, FRCSC, MACM, Dip. Sports Med CANADA
Moderator: Victor M. Ilizaliturri, MD MEXICO
Participants will gain and understanding of topics related to the spine & hip relationship, management of DDH, chondral lesions of the hip, femoral version and the young patient with OA.
• Spine–Hip Relationship
• Management of DDH–To Scope or Not
• Chondral Lesions of the Hip–Microfracture, Cartigel, Scaffolds and other Options
• The Real Role of Femoral Version
• The Young Patient with Hip OA
ICL #17 Concurrent 2 – Cozumel 1+5
Complex Issues in RCR Surgery and
Advanced Techniques to Solve Them
Chair: Guillermo Arce, MD ARGENTINA
Jeffrey S. Abrams, MD UNITED STATES
Giuseppe Milano, MD ITALY
Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH UNITED STATES
Daniel A. Slullitel, MD, Prof. ARGENTINA
Moderator: Vicente Gutierrez, MD CHILE
This instructional course lecture presents some of the more complex complications that can arise during rotator cuff repair (RCR) surgery, such as tendon transfer or suprascapular nerve release, and provides participants with viable techniques to remedy them.
• Be All You Can Be. Subscapularis and Infraspinatus
Are Enough.
• Address the Pain: Biceps, Suprascapular Nerve, and Counting
• My Technique (The Best) for Superior Capsule Reconstruction
• After the Fulcrum, the Best Sum of All Things. Rehabilitation!
• Throw the Towel in and Make Everyone Happy: Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty
ICL #18 Concurrent 3 – Cozumel 3+4
Management of the
Multi-Ligament-Injured Knee
Chair: Bruce C. Twaddle, MD, FRACS, Prof. NEW ZEALAND
David Figueroa, MD, Prof. CHILE
Brett A. Fritsch, MBBS, BMedSc AUSTRALIA
Fabrizio Margheritini, MD ITALY
Claudio Zorzi, MD ITALY
This sessions provides participants with an overview of the management algorithm for multi-ligament knee injuries presented in a case based format. Each of the topics covered will include a case discussion by the panel followed by an overview of the management principles and time set aside for discussion.
• MultiLigamentous Knee Injury: What, When and How.
A Case Based Discussion of Timing and Treatment Options.
• Treatment of Medial Instability in the MultiLigamentous Knee Injury: A Case Based Discussion of Treatment Options
• Treatment of Posterolateral and Lateral Instability in the MultiLigamentous Knee Injury: A Case Based Discussion of Treatment Options
• The Role of Osteotomy in the Management in the MultiLigamentous Knee Injury: A Case Based Discussion of Treatment Options
   ICL #19
Concurrent 4 – Cozumel 2+A
Reverse Shoulder Replacement: Indications,
Results, Complications, and Failures
Chair: Anthony A. Romeo, MD UNITED STATES
Mike H. Baums, MD, PhD GERMANY
This course presents reverse shoulder replacement scenarios along every stage of the process, addressing concepts such as 135° vs. 155° humeral implants, fracture-related infection (FRI), and how to approach patients with a history of reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA).
   54 Please note, program information, agendas and faculty details are subject to change.

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