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Patellofemoral Research Excellence Award : Patellofemoral Research Excellence Award

Petri J. Sillanpää, FINLAND
Brett A. Fritsch, AUSTRALIA

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APKASS: ACL Failure Reason and Revision Solutions : Revision ACL with Over-the-Top Route

Nobuo Adachi, JAPAN

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ePoster : Analysis Of Validity Of TTTG Distance Using Dynamic 3D Printed Knee In Various Flexion Angles With CT and CAD As Controls

Deepak Goyal, INDIA
Ankur Shah, INDIA …

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ESSKA: Osteotomy Around the Knee : Joint Line Obliquity – Planning the Right Osteotomy

Sandro Fucentese, SWITZERLAND

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Giants in Orthopaedics: Dr. Gregory Bain

Gary G. Poehling, UNITED STATES
Gregory I. Bain, AUSTRALIA

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ePoster : Arthroscopic Inferior to Superior Capsular Shift Results in Superior Clinical Outcomes Compared to Arthroscopic Bankart Repair for the Treatment of Anterior Capsulolabral Tears After Shoulder Dislocation

Jose Castillo de la Peña, MEXICO
Ivan Wong, CANADA

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ePoster : Toxicological Study of the Magnesium Alloys Mg-(Li)-Y and Mg-Ca-Zn-Mn for Biodegradable Bone Implants

Vojtech Havlas, CZECH REPUBLIC
Lucie Vistejnova, CZECH REPUBLIC …

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ePoster : Safety of Single Intra-Articular Local Anesthetic Infusion in Knee Arthroscopy: An In Vivo Histological Study on Rat Cartilage

Antonios T. Kouzelis, GREECE
Ioannis N Vrachnis, GREECE …

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Comprehensive Management of Sepsis in TKA : DAIR, indications and technique

Simon W. Young, NEW ZEALAND

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Parenting in Orthopaedics: A Global Perspective : Parenting in Orthopaedics: A Global Perspective

Sheanna Tracy Maine, AUSTRALIA
Ciara M. Stevenson, UNITED KINGDOM